Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How do I edit my profile and reset my password?
Answer: Click on 'Edit Profile' on the top right-hand corner, go to 'credentials' tab.  Enter your password in 'password' and 'confirm password' and click 'Save' from the top panel.

Question: Where do I retrieve school information and drawings?
Answer: If you have the access right to school information, you may go to Asset> Location.  Edit a school record, go to 'attachment' tab to access the related document. Click on the 'download' icon to download the document.

Question: What should I do when I encounter connectivity issue?
Answer: Please check with your infrastructure support team on-site whether there is a network problem.  If there is no network issue on-site, then we would need to investigate whether it is related to the server.  Please contact our Helpdesk for assistance.

Question: When I click "Create New", nothing happens.
Answer: The reason could be your browser has blocked the pop up and that is the reason why there is no response on screen.&nbsp;&nbsp;<div> If you are using Chrome, you may need to enable popup of Chrome browser to create work request. In order to enable this popup, you can follow the below link for instruction.</div> <div>;hl=en-GB</div>

Question: How do I report a defect or work request?
Answer: <div> In your Home page, click &quot;Create New&quot; and select &quot;Work Request&quot;.&nbsp; System will pop-up a blank form in a new window.&nbsp;</div> <div> Select a Location (For OM User, the user is already navigated to the school he is in charge of.)&nbsp; &nbsp;At Work tab, under Problem section, enter work details:</div> <div> &bull; Work Location Type*: (Pick a value from dropdown list)</div> <div> &bull; Priority*: (By default, this is set to the 1 (Routine). Change it if required)</div> <div> &bull; Work Description*: (Details of work)</div> <div> Navigate to &ldquo;Attachments&rdquo; tab, to upload supporting document if required and click &quot;Submit to Helpdesk&quot; to route Work to MA User (Helpdesk)</div>

Question: Where can I download the Quickguide and what is the support information?
Answer: Upon login, you can download the Quick Guide by clicking on &quot;Download User Manual&#39; on the top right hand corner of the page.&nbsp; You can reach our application support by this email:&nbsp;; Thank you.

Question: How many FM-Central user account is allowed for each school?
Answer: Each school isallocated 1 school generic account.

Question: For MA User and specific user with access to Report: How do I generate Work History report or any other reports?
Answer: For example, go to Reports >Work Reports >WK10 - ReportWorkHistory. Enter the search criteria and click "Generate Report". You can access a list of reports in a similar way depending on your access right.

Question: For MA user only: My contractors and me do not receive any SMS or email notification on Work Request.
Answer: Please contact our Helpdesk for assistance.

Question: For MA user only: My contractors' name and contact numbers have changed, how do I update the System?
Answer: Please contact the FMA in charge of the zone. Their administrator can edit the contractor details such as name, mobile number and other contractors&#39; information.